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Does business seem overwhelming at times?
Is the legal & financial landscape confusing?
Do you feel isolated and alone?
We can change all of that with our time tested customizable Bedrock Business Packages starting at
just $97 per month !
Thank you Bedrock Business Builders. You've given me peace of mind and now I have a clearer vision of where I stand financially in my business as a result of your service.
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Business News, Tools and Resources You Can Use Now to Help Start, Build and Manage Your Own Business Successfully!
Are you looking for creative, current and out of the box ideas, tools, resources and amazing content? The Bedrock Business Building Blog Posts were all created with you, the small business owner in mind. Business can be complicated and confusing. My goal is to help make it simple for you to understand and make it easier to navigate the entrepreneurial journey. Feel free to comment, share and suggest new out of the box ideas, tools and resources with me and your fellow small business owners.
I am dedicated to teaching sole-proprietors the amazing benefits of becoming an S-Corporation, helping solopreneurs get their small business on track and stay on track and guiding established business owners through the complexities of owning and operating a growing enterprise.
We have heard about paperless file systems since scanners were created. The truth is that being completely paperless is a fantasy. People still like to hold paper, read from paper, file paper, and store paper, even though it's inefficient and outdated. The cost of...
Getting your taxes prepared is done only 1 time per year yet it wreaks fear, anxiety, and panic over tens of millions of taxpayers. The issue is about providing some information that goes on your return.
No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.” By Napoleon Hill “Think and Grow Rich” When you look behind the scenes at how individuals..
The Successful New Business Viability Test There is an epidemic of business failures in this country and millions of entrepreneurs fail to generate even one penny in positive cash flow. We don’t start businesses to spend money, we start them to make money so why is it...
Unless you’re expecting a big refund check getting a letter from the IRS is never a happy event.
“I owed the government $3,400 in taxes. So I sent them two hammers and a toilet seat.” — Michael McShane Keeping “Books and Records” are a requirement for every business owner. If you ever received a letter that starts with “putting...
That’s right! You don’t need any money to start your business off on the right track. In fact, after working with thousands of businesses over a thirty-five-year career as a CPA, I’ve found that most people that have money wind up wasting it, myself included! The...
There are really only three categories when choosing a new business structure. A new business is automatically considered a sole-proprietorship, an LLC provides a legal umbrella for its owners and a Corporation
There are really only three categories when choosing a new business structure. A new business is automatically considered a sole-proprietorship, an LLC provides a legal umbrella for its owners and a Corporation ( or S-Corporation)...
Let me Introduce Myself
From a young age, I knew I was destined to be an entrepreneur. With a foundation in tax and accounting, I delved into the world of business, gaining invaluable insights from working with thousands of small business owners over the past 40+ years. Alongside my own entrepreneurial ventures, I've garnered a wealth of experience.
Throughout my journey, I've witnessed numerous avoidable business failures and personal financial hardships. This has fueled my passion to make a difference. My mission is to empower entrepreneurs to start, sustain, and succeed in their businesses, transforming their passions into profitable enterprises and taking control of their destinies.
I invite you to book a chat with me and explore the limitless opportunities that lie ahead. Let’s turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality!
Joe DiChiara CPA
Below you will find just a small sample of the thousands of small business owners I’ve had the pleasure of working with over the past 35 plus years as a Certified Public Accountant and business advisor. I have tried to learn something from each and every person, situation and experience to bring the knowledge, tools and resources to you today.
I expected business to be as easy and simple as it was when I was driving my ice-cream truck. These individuals taught me that it takes tenacity, persistence and ingenuity among other things. Business, as it turns out was nothing like they taught me in CPA school. It’s complicated and confusing and almost impossible for anyone to succeed on their own. These individuals took their time out to thank me and now it’s my turn to thank all of them because the experience and knowledge they provided has proved to be invaluable. Thank You!
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3714 Parsons Blvd Suite 5A Flushing,
NY 11354
(661) 752-5639
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